Monday, August 16, 2010

Registration Completely Closed

Hi, please do not mail any registrations. All registrations are closed. If you are interested in still hooking up with classes for other planning, we can put you in contact with your class coordinator. Email


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hi,
    I know that registration is closed. But please consider an update the list of attendees to reflect the boatload of last minute registrants, including myself. I am on the decorating committee, and am definitely coming.
    I sent my check and form on the 14th.
    Sherri Faye (Olson)

  3. Sherri... yes, we have a boatload of registrants and we are working as fast as we can...

  4. Kevin Washington Class of 78

    I know the registration is closed. However, I would still be interested in attending. Whats the plan for late registration?

  5. Kevin, I wish you would have asked me at the party... Legends... you can come in after 10 pm for $25. after 3 pm we will going around the school for a tour... I'm glad you attended the party... it was good to see you. find us on facebook too and email us your info so we can add it to our class lists... facebook search: minneapolis marshall univeristy

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